Awards Committee

Each year, KRPA recognizes and honors those individuals and groups who have made significant contributions to their agencies, communities, and the Association through  their involvement with the parks and recreation industry.  Nominations are accepted and reviewed by the KRPA Awards Committee with recommendations being brought to the KRPA Board of Directors for final approval.

The Awards Committee encourages every member of the Association to participate in the awards process by nominating deserving individuals and organizations.  Recognition by one's peers is the highest compliment that can be paid to a fellow professional.  KRPA thanks those who contributed to the award process and extends hearty congratulations to the award winners.

Committee Members

Jason Steadman- Rose Hill Recreation Commission

Matt McClure- Baldwin City Recreation Commission

Nick Leon - Sublette Recreation Commission 

Adraina Holopirek - Gardner Parks and Recreation 

Travis Scheele - Salina Parks and Recreation 

Damon Carr - Holcomb Recreation Commission

Click here for a list of current award winners.
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