Parks and Recreation Promotional VideoKRPA collaborated with Feature Group to provide an exciting new benefit for our members. We assembled a short video to help promote the importance of having a vibrant recreation and parks department in every community across Kansas. What would happen to your community if we took away the parks, all recreational activities or the local pool? What impact would that have on your community’s economy or the moral of the community? What would occupy children’s time after school or in the summer? Click here to view the video. This video shares personal testimony and experiences from patrons and business executives that share how park and recreation is making a difference every day. We hope this video will provide you an added resource to use with your local city councilmen, your chamber of commerce, community members and your legislators to share why parks and recreation in Kansas is vitally important. #LoveKSParkRec Video ToolkitStep 1--- Get The Video Contact Amanda Sterling at to receive a downloadable version of the video as seen above. Step 2--- Place on your website Webpage Banner 650X80 Webpage Banner 300X250 Webpage Banner 160X600 Step 3- Place on social media outlets The official hastag for this advocacy video is #LoveKSParkRec. Use it to show us and the state of Kansas how you are using the video. Also, use #LoveKSParkRec to let us know what events and programs you are doing to enrich your community. We love Kansas Parks and Recreation and want to let everyone know it! Facebook Banner
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Step 4--- Rally Your Advocacy Troops Visit the Legislative website to view a complete contact list of Kansas legislators and representatives. Visit your local city or county website to find the information on your local officials. Build a relationship with your local Chamber of Commerce. A vibrant Park and Recreation play a role in the recruitment of businesses and retainment of residents. Click here for a list of most Kansas Chamber of Commerce. Share this video with your staff and volunteers to help them understand the larger picture of what Parks and Recreation does for your community. After finding your elected officials and contacts, download this draft message. Personalize the message for your agency, then copy and paste the text into the body of an email. Park and Recreation departments and Recreation Commissions are the essential representatives of your community. No other business can take your place in your community. |